Turi Hetherington

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she/her - Bozeman, MT

LYB Mindset Facilitator, LYB Retreat Team

About me: As a yoga instructor I’m especially drawn to the quieting practices of gentle yoga and meditation to reduce stress and tension in the body and find the quiet place behind the busy thinking mind. I live in Bozeman, Montana, and love to hike, run, ski and play in the surrounding mountains. I find nature to be my greatest teacher.

Why LYB: I’m inspired by the quality curriculum and compassionate community. I’m inspired by each participant that shows up, by their courage, strength, and commitment.

Superhero: My superhero is every student that shows up for class. I am inspired by their strength, courage, and resilience.

Resources: You can find out more about me and my offerings at www.turi.yoga


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