Categorizing Stressors

Mental Flexibility | 7.13.20 | By Shilo Zeller, BSc.

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We seem to follow a theme here at LoveYourBrain when it comes to our tips. So many of them deal with stress management and ways to reduce stress. While reducing stress is proven to have an overwhelmingly positive effect on our brain and overall health, it’s also important to recognize that stress is inevitable. All of the meditations and breathwork will not completely relieve us of stress in our lives. So, where do we go from here? 

A TedXTalk by Daria Long, an ER doctor, shed light on the importance of triaging our stress. She spoke about how important it is to identify stress as red, yellow, green. Red stressors must be dealt with as soon as possible, yellow stressors can be dealt with in a timely manner, while green stressors are put on the back burner. Correctly identifying the stressors in our life can help us manage our days from being overwhelmingly busy. 

Check out her TedTalk here.


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