Brad Hawley

he/him - Birmingham, AL

LYB Retreat Team

About me: I am a TBI Survivor resulting from a nearly-fatal Crossfit accident on 8/27/12. After many years of searching for community and understanding, I found Love Your Brain. Living with TBI can be a very isolating and confusing experience, and I am thankful for LYB's presence in my life. Now, I am an active father and husband, I run a small successful business, and I am an avid mountain biker- all things that I never thought I would do again! I have two teenage kids who are constantly testing my ability to control all of my unpredictable behavioral swings, impulse control, cognitive impairment, and even physical disability. It is not always easy, but I love them dearly, and they keep me sharp!

Why LYB: The retreats and programs that LYB offer are impactful for so many TBI Survivors, and I am no different. In the years following my TBI, I was struggling to find my place and only wanted to be the same guy I was before my injury. LYB introduced me to others, whether patient or caregiver, that deal with similar challenges all day, every day. It showed me the light that exists in the otherwise dark world of living with TBI.

Superhero: My wife, Ellen. She lived through the injury and recovery more than I did, and as a family, we are better for it. She is our rock and without her, I would've never gotten to where I am.

Resources: I live in Alabama and, with a partner, run a small company named OnBoard Legal (


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