Discover your intention

Meaning and Purpose | 01.25.21 | By Shilo Zeller, BSc.


Setting an intention is something that I’m sure we’ve all heard of before, but it can be challenging to figure out the difference between intention setting and goal setting. So what is the difference? Intentions deal with the present moment, aren’t based on an achievement, and are about your internal relationship. Goals, on the other hand, are based in the future, can be measured, and are externally motivated. 

Think of it this way: if your intention for the day is to enjoy nature while outside, chances are you’ll be able to find beauty in the sound of the wind or the feel of the rain. However, if you set a goal of going for a one hour walk and the weather interrupts your plans, you may feel like you have failed at achieving your goal. Intentions allow us to remain present and can actually help us get closer to our goals. If we are achieving our intentions, we’re less likely to get deterred by hurdles. 

Wondering where to start to discover your intention? Try these steps:

  1. Reflect on what resonates with you. Are you wanting to feel worthy, grateful, peaceful, determined, etc.? 

  2. Pause and take a moment to gather your thoughts. Find a quiet space and get comfortable. Take a few deep, meditative breaths.

  3. Create a phrase that is quick and easy to remember. At LoveYourBrain, we like to use “I am” statements (i.e., I am worthy, I am enough)

  4. Write this phrase down on a piece of paper or as a note in your phone. This will give you a physical reminder for when you’re feeling off track

What is your intention to help keep you on track?


Switch up your routine


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