Switch up your routine

Mental Flexibility | 02.01.21 | By Shilo Zeller, BSc.

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“The most dangerous phrase in the language is ‘we’ve always done it this way’.” - Grace Hopper

While Grace Hopper was referring to computer programming languages, this quote is very applicable in everyday life. In the past, we’ve written tips on the importance of setting a routine. This can help greatly with motivation and staying on task. However, while it’s important to get into good habits, there’s also a benefit in switching up the norm and allowing your brain and body to adjust. 

Have you ever been driving or walking somewhere that you frequently go and upon reaching your destination, have no memory of how you actually got there? That’s because it has become such a routine that your mind checks out and focuses on other things while you just go through the motions. I’m sure we can all see how this could get dangerous at times (did I stop at the red lights?).

By switching things up, you’re giving your brain a chance to adjust to a new normal and create new pathways. This in turn can become beneficial when you are unexpectedly hit with change. If you’ve worked on not getting too comfortable with a situation, you’re less likely to be shaken up when your routine is disrupted.

What’s something that you can try doing differently next time around?


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