Kai Williamson

they/them - Calgary, AB, Canada

LYB Mindset Facilitator, LYB Retreat Team

About me: I am a queer person navigating life with lived TBI experience and a passion for holding space for healing and growth for individuals on their path.

Why LYB: The LYB community offers a unique opportunity to cultivate connection through a lens of inclusivity and compassion. To share space and offer support for growth within and beyond the TBI experience is truly empowering.

Superhero: My superhero is the little spark in all of us that shines just enough to leads us on our own path. The light that invites us to show up for ourselves to navigate adversity with a tender heart.

Resources: To connect and learn more about my various offerings for the queer community, folks healing from brain injuries, meditation & yoga and those with creative poetic hearts check out the links below.
Substack: https://bothandcreatives.substack.com/
Instagram: @bothandcreatives


Josee Charbonneau


Keith Jundanian