Kourtney Smith

she/her - Philadelphia, PA

LYB Mindset Facilitator

About me: I am a Cis-gendered Black woman with 6 years of TBI experience. I love dancing, astrology, & yoga. I've completed 2 LoveYourBrain Yoga Teacher Trainings (Level 1& 2)

Why LYB: I'm inspired to be a LYB Mindset Facilitator because I know how important it is to have guidance, light, & support when experiencing a brain injury. Many have inspired me on my journey; so, I wish to do the same for others.

Superhero: Outside of Beyoncé (haha), my true superhero is my Mom! She such incredibly strong, loving, & wonderful woman who has showed me how to love fiercely & to not give up on myself.


Kevin McKenzie


Kristy Joy Schoyen