Siena Loprinzi

she/her - Alexandria, VA

LYB Mindset Facilitator

About me: After experiencing 5 TBIs since 2014 and going through treatments for Lyme disease, I have changed my life to focus on well-being and resilience. After completing my first Master's degree in Positive Psychology in 2021, I’m continuing my education in another Master’s focused on Intercultural and International Communications where I hope to bring programs like LYB to communities globally.

Why LYB: LoveYourBrain truly changed my life. When I was in one of the roughest periods of my life LYB helped me find a path of resilience (a word I have never thought of before my TBI). Now, I want to be there for others that are going through the same or similar challenges.

Superhero: My superhero is Angela Duckworth; she first studied the concept of Grit, but has been a voice of strength for creating a better world. In the few times I've met her or presented research to her, she has always been so kind (even if my ideas weren't the best!). I hope to follow in her footsteps to create a "grittier" but also kinder world.

Resources: and @sloprinzi on Instagram.


Shilo Aspinall


Stacia Bissell